Thursday, August 29, 2013

DAY 4-B Day

Hi guys,

I went to a Canvas training, so you had a sub.

You read "Montgomery Boycotts" in the Windows and Mirrors textbook in my room and answered questions.

Come in to use the textbooks to answer the questions as make up.

See you tomorrow!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Day 3

Today we annotated the article "Has texting Killed Romance" by Ashton Kutcher.

On page 10 of your "Writing Manual" that you received on the first day is the "AACC: Annotation, Abstract, Contextual Connection". Please annotate your article by doing numbers 3, 8, and 12 in the non-fiction section (the bottom half of the page).

You may come pick up the article in person or download it from the "Helpful Handout" section on the right side of this screen. It will be available for download after 5 pm on 8/26.


Ms. Lewis

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Day 2

Today we discussed the importance of getting to know each other in class. Here are the highlights: Avoid awkwardness... no "hey you"s, easier to show someone your work for peer review, and more likely to share thoughts during discussions, and therefore, NO judgements because you know and respect the person you're working with. 

Next, we did a one-page handwritten "Second Day Writing Assignment", in which there was the option to write about one of four things. They are as follows:

Option One:
Write me a story. This can be a true story about something you have done, something that happened to you OR it can be made up. You can use one of the story starters listed below if you cannot think of anything else:

  • "Last night on my way home from..."
  • "As I flew through the air, the only thing I could think was..."

Option Two:
Write me a book review. It can be a book that you read in high school or in middle school. Tell me what it is about and why you did or did not like it.

Option Three:
Write me a letter. Tell me a little bit about who you are and what you expect to learn from this class. Do you like English? Why or why not? What motivates you to learn?

Option Four:
Write me a poem. Type of poem and length does not matter. Additionally, write at least one paragraph explaining why you wrote the poem or what inspired you to write it.

*A Day Students*
You have received your summer reading assignment and it is due Tuesday, August 27th. 

I (finally) have copies of the assignment that you may come and pick up from me and I'll explain the requirements in person. Thank  you again, for you patience with this matter.

All the best,

Ms. Lewis

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day 1

Here's what we did:

  • Discussion of classroom "Guidelines and Procedures". The PowerPoint will be available soon.
  • Discussion of Disclosure Statement-which needs to be signed by both a parent/guardian and by the student. A downloadable version is available in "Helpful Handouts" to the right on this screen.
  • Summer Reading: The assignment that you were to have completed before school started will be turned in with your "Summer Reading Writing Assignment" (these are two different assignments-you will need to come to my classroom to get a copy of this take home assignment), so you may use the quotes you found to aid you in answering the questions.
Don't Forget:
  • You are required to read one outside book of your choice per semester. This can be fiction or non-fiction, the only requirement is that you choose a book befitting an 10th grade Honors student, i.e. no children's books, or elementary or middle school books. You will need to show me, or email with the title and author of the book if you're reading an electronic version, for approval once you have chosen.
  • You need a composition notebook that is just for this class so please come with one every day.